Thursday, December 23, 2010

Happy Holidays

Wishing you the light of faith, the warmth of home, the love of family--

all the deepest joys of the Holiday Season.

Hayk Oltaci
Founder & Master Craftsperson
HAYKO Fine Rugs and Tapestries
857 Lexington Avenue at 65th Street, 2nd Fl.
New York, NY 10065
Tel: (212) 717-5400 | Fax: (212) 717-1122


My Blog

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

I Heart Feng Shui: An Ancien Wonderland

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

An Ancient Wonderland

A wonderful client and entrepreneur, Hayko
photos courtesy of

When I walked into Hayko Fine Rug and Tapestries on the Upper East Side this summer, I was transported instantly to Istanbul. Ok, I have never been there, but it's what I imagined it to be. I was honored to be called in for a feng shui consultation by Hayko Oltaci, owner of this magical store. Hayko and I discussed what he was trying to achieve and together we used this information and various feng shui adjustments to help enhance his business.

Believe it or not, this respite is right in the middle of New York City!
Many people usually ask me, "Is it ok to have old things in my home?" My answer to will vary according to what the person is referring to. If the objects in question are things left over from exes that make you cringe each time you look at it, I'd say better to get rid of them! But, if it's something that is infused with beautiful energy and brings you joy each time you see it, like one of Hayko's rugs, I would say cherish it and if possible, highlight it by putting it somewhere in your space where you see it all the time. This way you'll lift your chi each time you see it.
Get a glimpse of this talented man and his exquisite products and services in this video:

Hayko Oltaci from mehmet demirci on Vimeo.

Hayko Oltaci from mehmet demirci on Vimeo.
Glorious. That is all I can say about the results of his hard work. If you are in the market for a fine rug, a rug weaving class or just haven't had time to take a vacation, go visit Hayko's store and have a cup of hot tea with him in the cafe. You too will be transported and well-taken care of.
Hayko Fine Rug and Tapestries, 857 Lexington Avenue at 65th Street, 2nd Floor. New York, NY 10065. 212.717.5400
Posted by I Heart Feng Shui at 4:04 PM

Hayko Oltaci by mehmet demirci

Hayko Oltaci from mehmet demirci on Vimeo.

Friday, December 10, 2010


Hayk Oltaci

Founder & Master Craftsperson

HAYKO Fine Rugs and Tapestries

857 Lexington Avenue at 65th Street, 2nd Fl.

New York, NY 10065

Tel: (212) 717-5400 | Fax: (212) 717-1122


My Blog

Friday, December 3, 2010

Hayko News - Let’s Trade

Dear customers,

I would like to invite you to my first annual Let`s Trade show. With this show I hope to help the economy to move forward and keep our satisfaction on a perfect level. Allow me to explain what I wish to offer you.

I am sure that you may have an old antique rug that no longer has that sentimental value or importance to you. To keep the economy ``moving forward``, you can trade it in for a different rug, runner, kilim, pillow or foot stool. When you choose the desired piece that will beautify your room, I will apply the value of your trade-in to your purchase.

As this invitation goes out to my existing customers via e-mail, I hope to extend it to new customers as well. Please feel free to spread the word to your friends and their families, to friends of your friends and their families. Your recommendation or suggestion to your family and friends is very important to me. The Let`s Trade show will start on Monday, December 6th through Christmas Eve, December 24th. Don`t miss this opportunity to purchase your holiday gift on TRADE!!

I thank you once again for your patronage and support. Please call me at (212) 717-5400 or e-mail me at I hope to hear from you soon and looking forward seeing you here in my shop.


Hayk Oltaci

Founder & Master Craftsperson

HAYKO Fine Rugs and Tapestries

857 Lexington Avenue at 65th Street, 2nd Fl.

New York, NY 10065

Tel: (212) 717-5400 | Fax: (212) 717-1122


My Blog

Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Hayko News - Shnorhali concert

Dear Friends,

With great excitement I wish to let you know about an upcoming event that I will participate in. I am most certain that you probably don`t know how multi-talented I am. Along with selling, restoring and cleaning antique rugs, believe it or not, I can also SING.

I am a member of a chorale group called `Shnorhali`. The `Shnorhali` chorale group has 40 singers including myself. Since April of this year we have been intensely practicing for our grand debut. On Sunday, December 12th, at 5:00 pm please come to Landmark on Main Street Jeanne Rimsky Theater, 232 Main Street, Port Washington, NY 11050 and see the amazing production of the Shnorhali choral group and friends presenting the ``Night of the Armenian Classical Music``.

The program will include the amazing works of two truly great Armenian composers Komitas (1869-1935), the founder of the Armenian classical music, and Aram Khachaturian (1903-1978), one of the most original contemporary composer of the 20th century music. I will be singing in the line with the Basses. If you can`t believe that I am a Bass, come and see how deep my voice is when I sing.

I hope you can make it to my concert. I will feel very honored and grateful seeing you there. I will most certainly apply discount towards any services or purchases you make in the future for the amount of the purchased tickets.

For ticket information and directions please e-mail me at or call me at (212) 717-5400. Ticket prices are $25 or $30. Can`t wait to see you there!



Thursday, November 18, 2010

My Thanksgiving Message

As Thanksgiving is just around the corner, most people can`t wait for Black Friday sales. Shoppers do their best to get up at 5:00 am in the morning and rush to stores to get great deals. You see, I can`t wait to tell you that at Hayko Fine Rug and Tapestries we don`t ask our customers to go to that extreme. We want you to get your good night rest and then come to our store for your holiday shopping. We have great collections of antique rugs and antique decorative carpets, kilims and collectible Caucasian rugs, tribal rugs and runners, pillows and footstools. We have them in different sizes, colors, and each one has its own story.

Here is a thought! Would you consider getting an antique rug or kilim for your wonderful daughter-in-law? It will keep her feet warm when she walks barefoot. How about such a piece for your own bedroom? You can certainly make your grandchild happy who always plays with toys on the cold floor. Whether your gift goes to your daughter-in-law, your grandchild, or even to yourself, it will always be treasured for many years to come.

Don`t forget, that Hayko Fine Rugs and Tapestries also offers top-quality cleaning and restoration services. You can rely on our staff of master craftspeople for impeccable restorations of the finest antique carpets no matter how old or faded it may be.

This Thanksgiving I thank every one of you for your patronage. I wish you and your family to have a bountiful Thanksgiving, and a joyous holiday season.


Hayk Oltaci

Founder & Master Craftsperson

HAYKO Fine Rugs and Tapestries

857 Lexington Avenue at 65th Street, 2nd Fl.

New York, NY 10065

Tel: (212) 717-5400 | Fax: (212) 717-1122


My Blog

Saturday, November 13, 2010







Music director, Conductor and Pianist

Landmark on Main Street Jeanne Rimsky Theater
232 Main Street, Port Washington, NY 11050

TICKETS $25 - $30


RSVP on facebook

RSVP on meetup

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Gomidas Vartabet Evening

Gomidas Vardapet ("Կոմիտաս Վարդապետ" in Armenian)



This year, October 22nd commemorates the 75th death anniversary of Gomidas Vardaped. We call him the genius of Armenian music; teacher and a composer of sacred and folk music. In all of the Armenian history there is no other cultural figure that would be the image to which almost all the poets of the 20th century turned. Poets of all styles and directions wrote about Komitas throughout the century. On the evening of November 19th our cultural meetup group will get together to remember and honor Gomidas Vartabed through the words of famous Armenian poets and composers.

Julietta Galstian, teacher of the Armenian language and literature, will present to us in Armenian the poems and songs of Gomidas Vardaped. With her amazing talent she will help us live through Vardaped’s life and time. We welcome and encourage other members to participate along with Ms. Galstian. If you wish to share Vardaped’s biography, his life story, poems or songs we would love to hear it no matter in what language it will be.

The admission to this even is free of charge, but there will be a small jar for your small donation.

Thursday, November 4, 2010

Daylight saving time change

Hello my loyal customers,

I just wanted to make sure that you did not forget the saying ``Fall Back`` and

that you reset your clocks one hour back this

Sunday morning from 1:59 am to 1:00 am.

I also want to warn you that every year on this day, at Hayko Fine Rugs and

Tapestries, we trick ourselves. If you ask how, allow me to explain.

You see, we pretend that Saturday, November 6th is Sunday and we reset our

clocks an hour back on Saturday and not on Sunday. As Saturdays are always

profitable than Sundays, then why not work an hour more on November 6th .

You see, it doesn`t matter for Hayko Fine Rugs and Tapestries whether we ``Fall

Back or Spring Ahead``. My experienced staff and I will be working overtime this

Saturday, November 6th, to keep our customers happy.

As you know we specialize in restoring and cleaning the finest antique carpets

and rugs. We also have a great collection of antique rugs and antique decorative

carpets, kilims, collectible Caucasian rugs, tribal rugs and runners. We hope that

you will visit us at our shop to see the new additions to my nice collection of

beautiful rugs and pillows.

As my friendly e-mail comes to the end, I would like to thank you once again for

your patronage and support. Please call me at (212) 717-5400 or e-mail me at when you think of re-designing your living quarters. I hope

to hear from you soon and looking forward seeing you here in my shop.


Hayk Oltaci
Founder & Master Craftsperson

Saturday, September 25, 2010

We missed you!

Dear Friend,

Hayko Fine Rugs and Tapestries missed you! This e-mail is to remind you that it has been awhile since the last time you visited us.

KL570 Anatolian Cicim Kilim 3.10 x 4.5

Please let us help you to decorate your rooms with our collection of antique rugs. Located on 857 Lexington Ave in New York City, Hayko Fine Rugs and Tapestries feature a vast inventory of antique room size decorative and collectible Caucasian and Kurdish rugs, kilims, tribal rugs, runners and tapestries. Our desire has always been to provide our clients with carpets that will have a magical effect on their home environments and will bring deep satisfaction on a daily basis.

CN720 Caucasian Rug (Chelaberd) 4.6 x 7.8

Please visit us any time from 9 am to 7 pm, Monday through Saturday or if you wish call us for appointment at (212) 717-5400. I will be happy to advice when selecting the desired rug at the affordable price. As a courtesy, we always treat our clients with rich cup of Turkish tea or coffee. Please be sure that because these are solid art investments that often become cherished family treasures, we always want you not to regret your purchase.

CN251 Armenian Kazak 4.5 x 6.1

Hayko Fine Rugs & Tapestries also specializes in top-quality restoration and cleaning of finest rugs and antique carpets. The work is delicate and takes time and precision. When dealing with valuable and rare carpets, average work is not good enough. You can rely on our staff of master craftspeople for impeccable restorations of the finest antique carpets. For free estimates or for more information please call (212) 717-5400 or e-mail me at We hope to hear from you soon and looking forward seeing you here in our shop.


Hayk Oltaci, Founder & Master Craftsperson
857 Lexington Avenue at 65th Street, 2nd Floor
New York, NY 10021
Tel: (212) 717-5400 | Fax: (212) 717-1122
web site:; e-mail:


Saturday, August 21, 2010

While Construction is in process

My dear Friends, 

You may have noticed the unattractive and unappealing look next door to my shop. The corner of Lexington Ave and 65th Street has been unsettled for quite some time. As this situation has been going on for almost year and a half, I am afraid that the image of my shop looked very uninviting to my loyal customers.

Well, finally there is some change and as the sign on the board notes, the contraction and clean up of the site will be completed by December 31, 2011. It is a big relief for my workers and I, as the look of this site has been affecting negatively on my business. I would like to invite and encourage you to visit my shop during the construction of the next door building. Come and see the new additions to my collection of oriental and antique rugs, kilims, runners and pillows. When you find something that you would love, we will offer you a one week free trial at home. We will deliver and pick up the chosen item for free even if you decide not to keep that original unique piece.

Please tell your friends and their families about my shop. They may want to redesign their living rooms or maybe they have moved to another living space. Your recommendation or suggestion to your friends and others will be very valuable and important for my business.

As my friendly e-mail comes to the end, I would like to thank you once again for your patronage and support. Please call me at (212) 717-5400 or e-mail me at I hope to hear from you soon and looking forward seeing you here in my shop.


Friday, April 9, 2010

Beginner's Rug Weaving Workshop (Class 20)




A whole new world will open up to you!
Traditional music and coffees set the tone for a unique cultural

Thursdays April 15 to May 6 7 to 9 p.m

Tell a Friend!

857 Lexington Avenue near 65th Street

Class: $200 plus $25 for materials

Thursday, January 7, 2010

Beginner's Rug Weaving Workshop (Class 18)

A whole new world will open up to you! Traditional music and coffees set the tone for a unique cultural Immersion.
JOIN US FOR 4 EXTROADINARY WEEKS BEGINNING Thursdays January 7 to January 28 7 to 9 p.m Saturdays January 9 to January 30 12 to 2 p.m Tell a Friend!
HAYKO FINE RUGS AND TAPESTRies 857 Lexington Avenue near 65th Street
Class: $200 plus $25 for materials